Vernon Dunagin, AIA offers specialized consulting services to building owners, architects, engineers, contractors and developers. Our experts offer guidance, project oversight, and performance evaluations to ensure your building’s components meet the structural standards necessary to stand the test of time.
With more than 36 years in the industry, our consultants work diligently to design the best solutions for your specific building’s needs and prevent costly mistakes.
The firm’s position is to remain in contact with all industry participants, from the designers to manufacturers to suppliers to contractors, to ensure developments that may affect the roof and waterproofing are understood and addressed.
Water intrusion is one of the most common building issues and also one of the most destructive. An experienced, expert building envelop consultant can help protect your building against the elements now and down the road. Learn more about our building envelope consulting services >
A qualified historic preservation consultant will improve the quality of your project, save you time and money, and help you protect the history of your property. With many strict guidelines and approval processes, historic preservation requires an expansive understanding of rules and regulations. Learn more about historic building preservation >
Vernon Dunagin, AIA offers investigation, resolution and prevention of construction-related defects and subsequent damage. Our firm’s expertise allows us to pinpoint structure weaknesses and flaws to provide reasoning for damages incurred. Learn more about our forensic building consulting >